Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Before we dive in...

    3. Listen on the go with a private podcast feed!

    1. [Practice] "What was happening here, and what did they need?"

    2. WORKBOOK for the Pre-Work Module

    3. Check in: Who is your Ideal Client?

    4. Who is best positioned to succeed?

    5. Who is ready to buy?

    1. Setting the Tone for Our Work in This Container

    2. Reviewing the Transformational Journey

    3. Important Terminology

    4. The Stress Physiology Cycle

    5. Messaging, Activation, and the Transformational Journey

    6. Phase 3 vs. Phase 6 Language

    7. Activated vs. Non-Activated Phase 3 and Phase 6

    8. How ACTIVATED Leads Speak

    9. How NON-Activated Leads Speak

    10. How Our OWN Activation Influences OUR Language (& therefore who we *can* attract)

    11. [ACTION STEP] Identify Who You're Talking To

    1. Creating the conditions for client success starts with this

    2. Why do we bring on Wrong Fit clients?

    3. How to say "no" to a Wrong Fit lead

    4. What do you do if a current client actually is a wrong fit?

    5. A deeper look at our physiology in the sales process

    6. Role Playing Scenario #1

    7. Simple Shifts for Safer Sales Conversations

    8. Role Playing Scenario #2

    9. Final Reflections and Takeaways

    10. Will you tell us about your experience?

About this course

  • Free
  • 29 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content