Course curriculum

    1. Get Your Welcome Module Workbook

    2. START HERE!

    3. Onboarding Survey

    4. What to do if you run into a problem...

    5. How to Receive Lifetime-of-the-Program Access to the EXPAND Training Library

    1. Welcome to Your Bonus Supports!

    2. Subscribe to Morning with Carly (our client-only podcast)!

    3. Join the WholeCo(mmunity)!

    4. Monthly Focus + Business Coaching Sessions

    5. Voxer Office Hours

    6. On-Demand Submission Opportunities

    1. Welcome to Challenge #1!

    2. Get Your Next Client Challenge #1 Module Workbook & Overview

    3. [IMPORTANT] How to Approach This Challenge

    4. We're Expecting Resistance [don't skip this]

    5. Foundation #1: Discover Your Purchase-Ready Ideal Client

    6. Foundation #2: Have an Offer to Sell

    7. Foundation #3: Have Words to Talk About Your Offer

    8. Foundation #4: Discover WHO to Sell Your Offer To

    9. Foundation #5: Determine THEIR Next Step

    10. Foundation #6: SELL

    11. BRAINSTORM: How will you get your next client?

    12. Develop Your Action Plan

    13. [CHALLENGE, DAY 0] Check-In

    14. [CHALLENGE, DAY 1] It's Time to Get Your Next Client!

    15. Pause to Reflect & Integrate (Post-Challenge Check-In)

    1. How to Use These Resources

    2. Planning Your Sustainable Schedule

    3. Simple Somatic Grounding Techniques

    4. Get Into the "Getting New Clients" Mood

    1. Audience Module Introduction

    2. Right-Fit Ideal Customer Module Workbook & Overview

    3. Design Your Ideal Customer

    4. Who is BEST POSITIONED to Succeed?

    5. The Transformational Journey & Your Purchase-Ready Ideal Customer

    6. Pause to Reflect & Integrate (Module Check-In)

    1. Offers Module Introduction

    2. Offers Module Workbook & Overview

    3. Offer Alignment

    4. Your Proprietary Process

    5. Pause & Check-In

    6. The Two Types of Offers

    7. Develop & Design Your Phase 6 Offer

    8. Price Your Phase 6 Offer

    9. Develop & Design Your Phase 3 Offer

    10. Price Your Phase 3 Offer

    11. ACTION: Choose Your Offer!

    12. One Final Step with Your Proprietary Process

    13. Pause to Reflect & Integrate (Module Check-In)

About this course

  • $3,500.00
  • 164 lessons
  • 18 hours of video content